For traders

Libri’s wide range of products and services support you in your activities in the book trade and as an online retailer – and have done so for over 90 years.

Buchhandel, Bücher werden präsentiert und in Szene gesetzt

Wholesale Book Trade & Transport

We offer you the largest range of titles on the German book market and delivery to your bookstore overnight six days a week.

We offer you the largest range of titles on the German book market and delivery to your bookstore overnight six days a week.

Products & Services

We provide support for your day-to-day book retailing by means of our ordering and ERP systems, school textbook solutions and white label shops.

We provide support for your day-to-day book retailing by means of our ordering and ERP systems, school textbook solutions and white label shops.


With the help of our extensive catalogue data, we are able to provide you with the best possible support for your online trade.

With the help of our extensive catalogue data, we are able to provide you with the best possible support for your online trade.

We will help you.

Do you have questions or a specific request?

Please feel free to use our contact form.