Libri catalogue data includes an extensive range of national and international book titles, e-books and many other non-book articles, updated on a daily basis.
With the help of our extensive catalogue data, we provide you with the best possible support for your online business. We are happy to deliver our products to you or directly to your customers’ homes. Flexibility and speed are first and foremost at Libri.

From articles in your shop to order receipt at Libri
Just like your own online shop, our order receipt system is available 24 hours a day, processing your orders quickly, reliably and securely. Our proven EDI process handles hundreds of thousands of orders every day while offering the flexibility that you and your customers expect.
Libri.Direkt shipping service
Fulfilment carried out to the highest standards: we deliver to your customers, worldwide directly to their homes with Libri.Direkt, saving you time and storage capacity.
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