For publishers

Libri is popular with publishers thanks to storage of their goods to ensure continuous availability as well as short delivery times for a whole range of articles. Find out more about which services we offer you for printed titles and e-books here.

Libri-Services für Verlage


PoD – with the seamless integration of BoD’s print-on-demand production into Libri’s book wholesaler’s logistics, we ensure uninterrupted and immediate availability of millions of titles.

PoD – with the seamless integration of BoD’s print-on-demand production into Libri’s book wholesaler’s logistics, we ensure uninterrupted and immediate availability of millions of titles.

Produktionshalle PoD

eBook sales

Get your e-books to the market with Libri.Digital.

Get your e-books to the market with Libri.Digital.

With its e-book catalogue, Libri ensures that new releases, bestsellers and backlist titles from publishers are reliably available for immediate download in booksellers’ online shops.

Sales promotion

We offer a range of bookable activities to support you in marketing your titles.

We offer a range of bookable activities to support you in marketing your titles.

For authors

Please refer to our information page where you can read about what options are available to you as an author to list your book.

Please refer to our information page where you can read about what options are available to you as an author to list your book.

We will help you!

Do you have questions or a specific request?

Please feel free to use our contact form.